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Lawsuit 常见问题

1. 参加集体诉讼会对我们未来的visa产生影响吗?


2. Named plaintiffs和Reserved plaintiffs有什么区别?

关于class action里面的named plaintiffs和reserved plaintiffs,named plaintiff和reserved plaintiff在rights上没有任何区别,只是最后决定要不要接受settlement是named plaintiff去接受,以及如果最后要上庭的话named plaintiffs需要上庭。有些case,如果最后settlement是金钱,比如医疗损失什么的,named plaintiff可能会多给一些钱,但我们的案子跟金钱没有任何关系,所以对于我们来说,named plaintiffs和reserved plaintiffs没有任何区别。

3. 参与Robert lawsuit的条件是哪些, 我现在需要缴费吗?

Robert file的class群体是: “those who have no receipt and those who have not enjoyed the benefits of a timely processed OPT/EAD”. 即不论你是AZ, TX, 有无receipt, 只要因为delay造成了实际的损失(例如start date推迟|offer loss等), 就可以参与诉讼. 关于缴费的部分, reserved plaintff暂时不需要缴费. 只有在律师觉得named plaintiff人数不足时, 会综合大家的受损情况从reserved plaintiff中进行补充, 同时也会通过slack/wechat/email通知, 在这时候才需要进行缴费.

4. 如何确定自己是否被包括在Reserved plaintiff中呢?

首先填写gform, 稍后会有google sheet统计发布.

5. If students have been waiting for the receipt for more than 2 months but only to get a rejection notice after their grace period, will they be eligible to still stay in the US for the final ruling of this class action lawsuit?

You asked whether students who are rejected after their grace period will be able to stay in the U.S. until a final ruling on the lawsuit. We will ask the Court to allow these students to resubmit their applications after correcting them, even if their grace period has expired. So the answer is that we don’t know yet, but we hope that the Court will grant this type of relief.
